Welcome to MyMarketingPass! Congratulations, you're already at the starting point! So what do you do next? 

Keep yourself on track and moving in the right direction by reading through this article and then going forward at your own pace. You don't have to do this alone! We'll be right here in the chat if any questions come up. 

First, we're going to identify where you are in your business and what you've already accomplished so far. That will help you plan your next best steps and start executing them as efficiently as possible, without getting overwhelmed.

Your successful business will appear to your customers like a living, breathing organism that magically serves them, but in reality it's more of a clever combination of pieces that work together because you designed them that way. It's a system that becomes more than the sum of its parts, which you build and improve over time. This is great news for you because it means you don't need to panic putting everything into place all at once! It's all just one or two pieces at a time.


Moving ahead and confidently growing your business really can be easy and even fun! The best thing to do is start by establishing where you currently are, what milestones you've reached, and which we need to address next. Refer back to this guide over time and keep working to establish and perfect each step.

It's almost impossible not to have a successful business if you put all of these pieces together in the right order. The trick is not getting overwhelmed but just getting it done one or two steps at a time. Remember, as long as you have a MyMarketingPass membership, you are never alone. 



Simply read all of these following “I” statements and pick which one sounds the MOST like where you are with your business right at this moment:

1. "I have an idea and expertise, but I want to grow that into an established business"

2. "I have desirable offers, but I need to get my first round of customers and establish good operations"

3. "We have a solid customer base, but I need smarter systems and standardization to scale up"

4. "We're an established company with predictable operations, I need to focus on traffic and sales"  

5. "We're producing great traffic, but need to manage metrics to increase conversion and retention"

6. "I need to perfect my systems that manage staff, drive traffic, fulfill offers, and wow customers"

7. "My business is sustainable and growing steady but I want more market share and competitive edge"

Once you've selected which number of the above statements fits you most accurately, then find the corresponding numbered section below to see what projects you should be focusing on...


1. Pre-Launch: 

"I have an idea and expertise but I want to grow that into an established business"


           Important Goals:

  1. Brand Identity Package / Guide

    1. Design Logo

    2. Choose Colors

    3. Choose Fonts

    4. Write Official Business Description

    5. Write Mission Statement

    6. Generate an Official Brand Guide

    7. Add Official Brand Guide to Brand Assets Folder

  2. Generate Brand Assets (Company photography, Headshots) 

    1. Collect Social Proof

    2. Collect Testimonials

    3. Collect Existing Videos/Photos

    4. Document distinctions, certifications, or endorsements

    5. Add Assets to Your Brand assets folder

  3. Establish Your Core Offer(s)

    1. Create Core Offer(s) (Worksheet)

    2. Create Audience Avatar Blueprints (Worksheet)

  4. Map Your Customer Journey

    1. Plan Lead Magnet(s)

    2. Plan Upsell(s)

    3. Plan for Additional Projects

  5. Set Up Meta Social Media Assets

    1. Create & Claim Facebook Page

    2. Create & Claim Facebook Business Manager

    3. Create & Claim Pixel

    4. Create & Claim Ad Account

    5. Create & Claim Instagram Page

      1. Convert to Professional Instagram Account

    6. Share Partner Access with MyMarketingPass

  6. Set Up LinkedIn Presence

    1. Create Team Members Individual LinkedIn Pages

    2. Create LinkedIn Company Page

  7. Secure Website Real-Estate

    1. Purchase Domain

    2. Purchase (Fast As Possible) Hosting

  8. Create Document to Share Your Expertise 

    1. Collect Frequently Asked Questions

    2. Common Misconceptions

    3. Brand Philosophies 

    4. Things You Wished More People Knew

    5. Add to MyMarketingPass Strategy Folder

  9. Establish Content Strategy 

    1. Blogging Strategy

    2. Broadcast Strategy

    3. Social Media Strategy

    4. SEO Strategy



2. Startup:  LvL 10

"I have desirable offers but I need to get my first round of customers and establish good operations"


                 Important Goals:

  1. Set Up Google Assets

    1. Create & Claim Google Ad Manager

    2. Create & Claim Google Analytics 

    3. Create Google Pixel

    4. Share Partner Access with MyMarketingPass

  2. Optimize Social Media Pages

    1. Facebook Business page

      1. Design Profile Image

      2. Design Banner Image / Video

      3. Write Descriptions

      4. Update to Page

    2. Instagram Professional Page

      1. Design Profile Image

      2. Write Description

      3. Update to Page

    3. LinkedIn

      1. Write Description

      2. Design Cover Image

      3. Write Profile Details

  3. Preliminary SEO Research

    1. Core Keyword research

    2. Competitor Research

    3. Frequently Asked Questions in Your Terms

  4. Create Home Page Video

    1. Write

    2. Record (Optional)

    3. Produce/Edit

    4. Upload to Vimeo

    5. Write Broadcast Email

    6. Broadcast Email

  5. Build Website 101

    1. Homepage

      1. Design

      2. Develop

      3. Write SEO Optimized Copy

      4. Optimize Schema & Meta-data

    2. About Page

      1. Design

      2. Develop

      3. Write SEO Optimized Copy

    3. Services Page

      1. Design

      2. Develop

      3. Write SEO Optimized Copy

    4. Contact Us Page

      1. Design

      2. Develop

      3. Write SEO Optimized Copy

    5. Add Motion to All Pages

    6. Authenticate DKIM

    7. Install Tracking Pixels

    8. Optimize For Speed Desktop & Mobile

  6. Establish Professional Email Addresses at Proper Domain

  7. Set Up Customer Relationship Management Tool

    1. Connect to Website Forms

    2. Add Existing List

    3. Add Lead Source Tracking

    4. Install Lead Pipeline

    5. Authenticate Domain

  8. Integrate Payment Processor

    1. Create Line Items for Existing Offers

    2. Connect to CRM

    3. Add Tags/Lists for Each Product 

  9. Integrate Calendar links with CRM & Pipeline

  10. Collect Testimonials From All Past Customers (Send Email Broadcast)

    1. Write Email

    2. Broadcast Email



3. LvL 20:   

"We have a solid customer base, but I need smarter systems and standardization to scale up"


                 Important Goals:

  1. Posting Daily On Spcial Media (Board The Social Media Monorail)

    1. Write Post Sales Call Follow Up

    2. Build Post Sales Call Follow Up

  2. Complete Lead Magnet Offer Worksheet(s)

  3. Develop Lead Magnet

    1. Design/Edit Asset

    2. Write Registrants Follow Up Copy

    3. Build Registration Automation

    4. Design Lead Magnet Pop-Up for Website

    5. Add Lead Magnet Pop-Up to Appropriate Page(s)

  4. Write LinkedIn Prospecting Messaging 

    1. LinkedIn Cold Messaging

    2. Lead Magnet Follow Up Messaging

  5. Set up LinkedIn Navigator

    1. Create Audience

    2. Send First Message

    3. Add LeadStream

    4. Publish LeadStream

  6. New Website Registration Lead Automation (New Automation Campaign)

    1. Write Email Content

    2. Build Campaign

  7. Post Sales Call Follow Up Funnels (New Automation Campaign)

    1. Write Sales Call Follow Up Emails

    2. Install Sales Call Follow Up Emails

  8. Purchase Fulfillment Automation (New Automation Campaign)

    1. Write Product Fullfillment Automation

    2. Build Product Fullfillment Automation

    3. Integrate Product Fullfillment Automation 

  9. Testimonial Generating Automation Campaign (New Automation Campaign)

    1. Write Automated Emails

    2. Install Automated Emails

  10. Strategize Targeted Signature Talk (Presentation)

    1. Concept / Positioning

    2. Title

    3. Wow Factor

    4. Call To Action

  11. Develop “Signature Talk” Assets (Pitch Deck)

    1. Write 

    2. Design Slideshow




4. LvL 30:    

"We're a growing company with predictable operations, now I need to focus on traffic and sales"


                 Important Goals:

  1. Plan Expanded Traffic Strategy

  2. Create Additional Offer Landing Page(s) (New Landing Page)

    1. Write Landing Page

    2. Design Landing Page

    3. Develop Landing Page

    4. Integrate Landing Page with CRM

  3. Automate LinkedIn Prospecting

    1. Load Messages

  4. Advanced SEO Website Optimization (SEO Research)

    1. Creating Page Schemas

    2. Adding Metadata

    3. Adding Backlinks

  5. Set Up Support Chatbot

    1. Write Chatbot

    2. Build Chatbot

    3. Integrate Chatbot with CRM

  6. SEO Optimized Blogging With Outreach (New Blog)

    1. Write Blog

    2. Design Featured Graphic

    3. Upload on Website

    4. Write Email

    5. Broadcast Email

  7. Appointment Setting Script

    1. Write Universal Cold LinkedIn Connection Script

  8. Setting Up Retargeting Facebook Ads

    1. Write

    2. Set Up Targeting

    3. Publish

  9. Create Signature Training/Sales Webinar / Digital "Event"

    1. Record Signature Presentation 

      1. Upload to Vimeo

    2. Design Landing Page For Event Registration

    3. Build Landing Page For Event Registration

    4. Integrate Landing Page With CRM

    5. Design “Thank You Page” Watch Page/CTA Schedule for Call

    6. Update Social Media Monorail to Include New On-Demand Event

  10. Facebook Cold Traffic Ads 

    1. Write Ads

    2. Set Targeting

    3. Set Budget 

    4. Run Ads

  11. Google PPC Ads

    1. Write Ads

    2. Set Keywords

    3. Set Bids/Budget

    4. Publish Ads

  12. Youtube Ads 

    1. Write Youtube Ads

    2. Record Youtube Ads

    3. Produce/Edit Youtube Ads

    4. Upload & Optimize Youtube Posts

    5. Run Ads



5. Lvl 40:    

"We're producing great traffic, but need to manage metrics to increase conversion and retention"


                 Important goals:

  1. Create Conversion & Retention Plan

  2. Establish Paid Ad Custom Optimization Policy

  3. Schedule Regular Appointments/ Request Ad Reports

  4. Set Up Support Chatbot (New Chatbot)

    1. Write Chatbot

    2. Build Chatbot

    3. Integrate Chatbot with CRM

  5. Plan Affiliate Programs

  6. Create Affiliate Policy

  7. Set Up Affiliate System (Set Up New Automation System)

    1. Install Software

    2. Connect to CRM

    3. Connect to Bank

    4. Add Affiliate Policy to Website

    5. Build Affiliate Packets

      1. Write Affiliate Emails

      2. Write Affiliate FB/IG Posts 

      3. Write Affiliate LinkedIn Posts

  8. Broadcast to Potential Affiliates (Send Broadcast) 

    1. Write Email to schedule 1 on 1

    2. Broadcast Email to Potential Affiliate Audience

  9. Write Support Articles

    1. Write Support Articles Optimized for SEO

  10. Build Membership / Customer Support Platform

    1. Add Support Articles

    2. Add Support Chat

  11. Culture Video (Who We Are) (Edit Video)

    1. Write video

    2. Record / Create

    3. Edit / Animate

    4. Write Broadcast Email

    5. Publish to Vimeo

    6. Add Video to Website

    7. Broadcast Email

  12. Install a Data Studio Solution

    1. Create Traffic/Lead Source Widget

    2. Create Customer Lifecycle Widget

    3. Create Sales Metrics Widget



6. Lvl 50:    

"I need to perfect my systems that manage staff, drive traffic, fulfill offers, and wow customers"


                 Important milestones:

  1. Plan Your Team Management System

  2. Plan Your Traffic Management System

  3. Plan Your “WOW” System

  4. Discuss Advanced Metrics & Reporting Builds

  5. New Employee Onboarding Automation

  6. Customer Service & Feedback Automations

  7. Advanced Chatbot & Customer Service Technology

  8. Automated Team Accountability/Oversight Systems

  9. Local or "low tier" media




7. Lvl 60:    

"My business is sustainable and growing steady but I want more market share and competitive edge"


                 Important milestones:

  1. Professional Video Campaigns

  2. Aggressive Ad Campaigns

  3. Mass Media

  4. Sponsorship

  5. Corporate Partners




Once you've located where your business currently sits on the Level Map, you now have two primary objectives moving forward:


1. Look carefully through the milestones for the levels that precede where you are now to see if there is anything important you’ve missed. It's not uncommon for businesses to reach advanced levels by sheer force of will (always to be admired!) without laying the prior proper groundwork. But to keep moving forward they'll want to plug the holes first so that they don't lead to unnecessary challenges in the future. It’s often a good idea to address these outstanding elements before moving on to new milestones. 


2. Complete new milestones corresponding to your current level. Decide which of the unmet milestones in your level have the most benefit to your progress and begin working on them to completion.


If you do these two things, you will always know what to do next and will never get lost on your way to building your business!


Use your Unlimited On-Demand MyMarketingPass membership portal and resources to help you knock out the necessary tasks from concept to content to construction. 


Having trouble identifying where you fit on this Level Map? Please schedule time with a MyMarketingPass coach for a clarity call to help you get anchored so we can help you reach your potential faster without the road bumps or headaches of figuring it out alone!